maandag 12 maart 2012

March and three snake species?

It is march, the weather predictions are good, sunshine every where! Than you wake up, its cloudy, on our way to the snake hotspot there were also some fogs.. Not really what they predicted.. After a while the first sun comes true and we find several Common lizards. We only hoped to find some Adder, an if the weather was good some grass snakes. After a time we find the hoped Adder, a male that is basking, beautiful hidden in the grass. Some Moor frogs are spotted, but despite no blue moorfrogs.. But the find after that is absolutely amazing! The last Smooth snake that we found in 2011 was on 5 November, the first Smooth snake is on 12 March... We didn't expect that at all! Than the weather changes, the little bit sun that we had in the morning changes for clouds, and we did not see any sunshine for the rest of the day.. Soon after that we also find our first Grass snake of the year! Who did expect that? We hoped on some with good weather, but the fact that there wasn't any good weather.. All the 3 snake species on a moderate day in March.. Climate changes? Some people can spot the snakes on very special methods. Tim was talking to some that walks behind him, and decided to turn and speak face to face, on that moment he spots an Adder! That one was well hidden under the heath. You could only see him from the point of view that Tim had when he turned around! Just before we left the area, because of the bad weather we discover something that might could be an hibernacula. The sun is away for a few hours and within a range of 4 meters we found 3 Adders.. Two where 'basking' together and a lonely beautiful male! That male was a big one! 60 cm of male adder is for Holland quite big! So we closed the day with a score of 5 adders, 1 grass snake and 1 smooth snake, and that for a moderate day in March, it still amazes me!

donderdag 1 maart 2012

First reptile of 2012!

Today Sander, Tim and i head out with the target to score the first reptile, and especially the first Vipera berus of the year! The weather is far from ideal, no sun and its cloudy the whole day.. Not really what the weather exceptions said.. In the morning it is still a bit foggy. So we take our time to get to the first area. The most interesting thing in this area was probably the woodpecker creating a great amount of sound on a hollow tree. We proceed and search close to some hibernacula. To get some herps we try some fens. Soon we find Bufo bufo, Rana temporaria, Lissotriton vulgaris and Lissotriton helveticus. In the field we also found an early Rana arvalis. The amphibians are already getting busy this year. But still no reptiles, not even a Viviparous lizard.. And only a few hibernacula spots to go. Before we start the search on the new spot I mention that I can smell an adder (just kidding of course). A few minutes later Tim is doing a victory dance, we just found the first adder of the season! We take the data that is required for research, take some pictures and let him go in the heath.

Mission completed! It took a full day of walking, but it was worth every step! Can't wait till they are all wake up and the smooth snakes are out and basking!